Friday, November 30, 2007

hello, hello

What up, internet. I'm new to, but not to blogging (I've been rocking Livejournal for at least 5 years now.) or cooking. Now that I'm finally out of the dorms I can cook for myself again. I like to try different recipes and make up my own as I go, but I am really bad at keeping track of what I make. Hopefully this blog will inspire me to cook something new more often, and perhaps it will inspire someone else to try it as well.

I guess I want to keep this mostly about culinary adventures. I'm considering going to school to become a patissier so this would be a fantastic way to keep track of my progress. Since I also have other domestic / crafty tendencies I may post about that on occasion.

Also, can someone tell me about blogcarnival? I don't really understand what it is, but it seems cool?

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